Jio Phone Charging Problem Solution

Jio Phone Charging Problem Solution Model: Lyf 2403N 

Hello friend, I will give you the charging problem solution of lyf jio phone today. Here I will discuss how to read your lyf 2403n charging problem solution. To get this problem solved, first you have to clean the mobile. You need to know where the problem came from because the problem is that the charging connector is mostly available on mobile. Below I talk about how you can fix it. I explained the procedure to step by step.

Solution Method :

  1. First of all, the motherboard of the mobile should be cleaned well
  2. Then notice that the charging carter is OK. If the charging connector is not right then it needs to be changed
  3. After doing this, you have to check the mobile again
  4. If you do not solve the problem even after doing this, then you have to make a jumper

Jio phone charging problem

Just like how I showed in the picture, the jumper should be done just by checking the positive line and the ground point, if the ground point is not correct then the ground point jumper must be done.
If you say first from the first, you will be better cleaned from the motherboard, then charging Add a charging connector to the new one. Then the way I said to a jumper, take a jumper. If you do this step by step, the mobile charging problem will certainly be resolved.

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